Genetic Fulfilment

You may have heard of dog people talking about ‘genetic fulfilment’, and if so, great! As times have changed and we now see that the majority of dogs have earnt a space in our homes, on our couches and in our beds, many of us have forgotten that dogs were bred over centuries to work for us. They were given purpose, some of their traits strengthened, while others were bred out.

We know a lot of dogs who love playing fetch. Notably, but not only, retriever dogs. Then we have dogs who love chasing squirrel and deer.. but for those dogs, there are often certain risks attached to these drives they have. Not everyone has access to a large enough space to let their dogs run wild.. Not everyone has a dog with good enough recall that they can trust their dog to run wild without getting hit by a car as they accidentally cross the road chasing a deer… (have you considered training? hehe..)

As well as training dogs, I also board dogs in my home for clients going away on holiday. When I get a high maintenance dog, or simply a dog who I feel has an instinctual desire to stare out, chase, catch, kill and/or dissect prey (I’m looking at you, Terriers!) one of the first things I do is get my Heavy Duty Extendable Flirt Pole out (could that have sounded like more of an innuendo if I tried….). Dogs love it! Instead of going for a 2hr walk and barely scratching the surface of certain dogs’ mental and physical needs, I throw in a 10 minute game of flirt pole in the garden, and they’re soon asleep on the couch, happy and relieved.

I got in touch with where I got my first ever flirt pole a year ago (still my only one! Still working great!) and told them that I loved recommending their flirt pole to everyone I can. They kindly offered me a 10% discount code for my clients to use, available for all products, not just the flirt pole!

Code: BIRCHBARK10 to be used at checkout.

What are you waiting for? Your dogs are going to love you for it!

Note: I have no affiliation to nor get any benefits from this, other than knowing that more people will commit to having more fun with their dogs, and satisfying their genetic requirements that were bred into them for decades if not centuries


Larry Krohn seminar