Life is for learning

There are so many ways to train dogs, so much nuance, given that every dog has its own story and personality and baggage, just as we do. There are still countless examples of problem solving that I am yet to address with client dogs, and the only way to be prepared for that, is through practice, and admittedly studying.

The dog training world is a bit of a scary place. Due to it being an unregulated industry (for now), it's hard to know who to trust, not only as a client, but also as a trainer seeking to better themselves. Every course or workshop is ultimately just a person/set of people telling you that their course is the best out there. That by signing up to their methods, you are now part of the upper echelon of trainers, and are endorsed by them.

I've learnt over time that this means little to nothing, sadly. So after doing numerous courses when I began this career, I decided that the next best thing is simply to find the trainers who instead of printing books and theoretical courses, prefer to show their work. To find the trainers who deliver, who help their clients with their own problem dogs, and learn from these trainers.

Michael Ellis is one of those trainers. The guy is an absolute legend and wealth of knowledge, and I'd like to think that most dog trainers worth their salt, would only have good things to say about him. Look for yourself! He's easily found online!

So to have received this certificate in the post this morning, after years learning from him, feels like an achievement. It still technically doesn't mean anything. We're still in that same unregulated industry. But to have studied hard and absorbed all that Michael Ellis has to say in a 3 day workshop (which is a fraction of his knowledge...), is at least a step in the right direction, so that I can better do my job of helping dog owners out there.

Feeling a little proud this morning... :)


Vintage footage


It’s ok to ask for help..